By Azeeza Parker, Registered Dietitian

Any relationship starts with a foundation and communication. Responsive Feeding creates one of the first channels of communication between you and your child. Not only does it establish good eating habits at a young age but assertive traits as well, such as indicating their likes and dislikes, listening to their needs and responding appropriately. During this time you learn more about your child and yourself too!

How to Responsive Feed

Never force, simply offer: Give children options and variety during meal times. Observe what they choose and what they ignore.

Distraction free zone: Like any relationship, attention is needed. At meal times, the TV should be off, the phone should be put away (unless you want to snap a picture for nostalgic purposes) and your focus should be on your child.

No rush: Feeding kids should not be a rushed and chaotic event. Easier said than done but rather allow your child to interact in peace with their food than controlling the situation.

Left overs are key: Now, Responsive Feeding may seem like wasting, but it’s not! Whatever your child doesn’t finish, simply keep it for later. This establishes portion sizes and quantities when dishing. Remember as kids grow, they eat more, so their portions will keep changing.

Be creative: Choose different colours, shapes and textures. Rather than loading foods with sugar to make it more appealing, use visual and sensory techniques, so that kids can become familiar with the natural flavours of foods.


Azeeza strongly believes our relationship with food can benefit all areas of our wellbeing and life. Her areas of focus are preventative and curative health, with an interest in maternal, child and gut wellbeing. She uses her platform to share easy to follow guides and tips on nutrition and to highlight topics that impact our wellbeing in general.
Azeeza Parker

Registered Dietitian