By Jessica Nathan, Registered Dietitian 

Many people swear by lemon water in the morning, but is it really as good for you as we’ve been told? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of lemon water.

Should I Drink Lemon Water?



• It is a source of vitamin C

May help support healthy skin, if consumed in conjunction with a diet rich in vitamin C

• Lemon juice has a high concentration of citric acid, which helps to increase iron absorption of foods.

• Regular intake of vitamin C rich foods can reduce the duration and severity of colds and flu. However, this is when individuals consume 1000-2000mg of vitamin C per day. The juice from one lemon provides roughly 18mg of vitamin C, so one would need to ensure that you are also eating a diet rich in vitamin C, as one would not be able to drink 55 glasses of lemon water per day

• Vitamin C has been shown to prevent oxidative damage and in turn, aid in cancer prevention. However, we would need to have many glasses of lemon water a day to reap any benefits.

• Lemon water can prevent dehydration, just like plain water


• Citric acid in lemons can damage our tooth enamel and make us more prone to cavities.

• Lemon water can worsen oral ulcers and may lead to you developing more

Bottom Line:

Lemon water has many health claims, but too much of anything isn’t always healthy. You should drink lemon water if you enjoy the taste of it- but don’t drink it to reap any health benefits. Also, be careful not to drink too many glasses of lemon water in a day, as this can lead to some negative effects. Always eat a balanced healthy diet, as lemon water won’t cure all of your ailments.


I’m Jessica, a registered dietitian at Go Grow Glow. I became a dietitian to help individuals develop a healthy relationship with food. Growing up, I struggled with disordered eating, which drove me into researching how to find a healthy and sustainable way of eating. I strive to see individuals have a healthy relationship with food without depriving themselves. I love to see individuals become their best selves and I love to empower them to take control of their health.

Jessica Nathan

Registered Dietitian