If you’re looking to shed a couple’ kilograms, the Keto Diet plan’s promises make it sound like the holy grail of diets. A a high fat, low carb and moderate protein structured weight loss diet that has your body in a metabolic state, fuelling itself off fat and burning extra calories in the process? Sign us up!

However, when something seems too good to be true unfortunately it often is. As with all things shiny and new, in a little time the cracks start to show. Recent research has revealed long-term adoption of the Keto Diet can cause serious cardiovascular concerns. This said some of the significant Keto advantages make casting aside the whole diet seem a shame.


Benefits of the Keto Diet Worth Keeping

Although it’s all the rage at the moment, the Ketogenic Diet has been around longer than you may think. In previous decades it was implemented as a treatment for epilepsy, and continues to be a valuable healing tool for matters of the…


  • Brain: It’s being explored as a means of decreasing the threat of Alzheimer’s, improving Parkinson’s and protecting against traumatic brain injury and stroke.
  • Metabolism: The Keto Diet can improve insulin sensitivity, which is not only good for the metabolism but also benefits those with diabetes.
  • Heart: The reduced body fat, increased good cholesterol (HDL) and improved blood pressure associated with low-carb diets are proposed as reasons Keto can lower the risk of heart disease. However, these sorts of studies largely reflect short-term benefits of the Keto Diet, which is where the current concerns arise.

The issue with diets that restrict food groups to the extent Keto does by almost eliminating carbohydrates (you’re not even supposed to have sweet potatoes on it…) is that there aren’t enough conclusive studies on the long-term impacts. It’s a lot safer to follow longer standing diets that are sustainable enough to become a lifestyle.


A ‘Best of Both’ Keto Compromise

A new eating plan combining the Mediterranean Diet and Keto has materialised, called the Modified Mediterranean-Ketogenic Diet (MMKD). It increases carb intake slightly – mostly in the form of vegetables – and encourages less saturated fat, preferring protein to come predominantly from fish and leaner meats such as chicken. 


The MMKD promotes healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats from sources like nuts, seeds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil and fatty fish.

The diet has been shown to amplify effects of the original Keto Diet in the sense that it is more sustainable long-term, whilst still resulting in weight loss and the betterment of brain, metabolism and heart.


You Need to Know Your Fats

Losing fat successfully with a healthy heart intact comes down to shopping with a solid understanding of products. Your adapted Keto diet needs to contain the right fats and avoid saturated and trans fats, which could lead to worrying cardiovascular consequences.

 It is crucial for you to be in control of which fats you’re fuelling your body with. KnowIT breaks down the different types of fats and allows you to shop accordingly. That way you can continue to reap the rewards, whilst reducing the very real risks.